MOS Testing & condition assessment services
This includes various electrical tests such as Capacitance & Tan Delta, Insulation Resistance, Ratio, etc. Together with the routine electrical tests mentioned below, we employ online, non-intrusive Partial Discharge Detection techniques to help identify and insulation defects in a live substation.
- Insulation resistance testing
- Watt-Loss Test
- Surge counter functional check
- Leakage Current measurement
Leakage Current Measurement For MOS Lightening Arrestors
Metal Oxide Surge Arrestors (MOSA) are being used across the industry for protection of vital apparatus from the lightening and external surges. However, these arresters are susceptible to deterioration causing an increase in resistive leakage current flowing through the arrestors.Online Leakage Current Measurement method uses Third Harmonic Resistive Current measurement principle, a technique which is rated as the most advanced for field monitoring as per IEC 60099-5.
For more information contact Prescon Engineering here.